Thumbelina - not for the squeamish!

Ginger crunch- my nemesis of this injury and a large serrated knife....
36 days after injury the top is not viable and has slowly been rotting.
It doesn't hurt, I'd severed nerves.

Today Hutt Hospital plastics team removed the top of my thumb (well a nurse did even tho the Specialist said last week to leave till it fell off of its own accord)

Mixed feelings..nice to have it off (stunk to high heaven) but now I have a very sensitive top (the numb top could take needle jabs when sewing bindings!). Its also short and hopefully will not get infected resulting in  even more being removed.

So I am nervously and gingerly ( Excuse the pun) easing myself back into quilting.  With half a house in renno mode till April, there isn't much to do in evening (housework is out of the question in most of it) its perfect timing to tidy my sewing room, get organised and get some UFO's completed....
First of rank will be my Linda Beach class quilt, closely followed by my plus quilt which I think I can justify now getting professionally longarm quilted once pieced!

Some creative nephews suggested a tattoo on my finger of an ewok to disguise the lumps and bumps- the thought of a needle brings tears to my eyes! !